Press Release

TOPADUR Pharma AG announces positive results from TOP-N53 First-in-Human Study

Zurich-Schlieren, Switzerland, October 5th, 2021. TOPADUR Pharma AG, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical start-up company developing ground-breaking therapies for aging diseases, today announced positive results from a First-in-Human study evaluating the safety, tolerability and efficacy of TOP-N53, a first-in-class wound healing drug candidate.


TOP-N53 FIH study met the primary and secondary endpoints demonstrating a favorable safety and tolerability profile in all the healthy subjects recruited.

The results on skin blood flow, an exploratory endpoint, measured by Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI) are very encouraging. The overall efficacy profile of TOP-N53 showed a dose-dependent increase in blood flow that lasted 24h in the highest two dose groups, at single-digit microgram range.

"These positive results confirm the potential of TOP-N53 to become a disruptive therapy for chronic wounds," said Reto Naef, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO at TOPADUR Pharma AG. "We look forward to continuing the clinical development of TOP-N53 to provide a future therapy to enable the healing of chronic wounds like digital ulcers or diabetic foot ulcers".

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